Here you can conduct a free search of judicial decisions related to women’s rights in domestic Moroccan courts. The database contains a diversity of cases, including those positive for women’s rights as well as those detrimental to women’s rights. They cover a wide range of women’s rights issues, and are issued from diverse geographic jurisdictions across the country, in different chambers and at different levels.
Please note that the database content depends on continued contributions of judicial decisions from our members and from the public (see the Share a Court Decision link). The database is not a complete or exhaustive repository of all cases related to women’s rights decided in Morocco, and the results of any searches should not be construed as statistically significant.
The database is updated on a regular and on-going basis – please be sure and check in frequently to have the most updated judicial decisions.
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Date the Case was Filed : 29/01/2018


Date of the Decision : 01/01/1970

Court of Appeals
عبد المجيد ميلي

تعرضت المشتكية للااغتصاب بالعنف نتج عنه افتضاض، من طرف احد السماسرة في العقار الذي استغل  قدومها عنده للبحث عن عقار.    في شكايتها صرحت الضحية انها تعرضت للاختطاف والاغتصاب ،وبعد ذلك للتشهير عبر وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي، فيما انكر الجاني مسالة الاختطاف والاغتصاب وادعى أن الضحية كانت تمارس معه الاجنس بارادتها .

حكمت المحكمة ابتدائيا :بعدم مؤاخة المتهم من اجل الاختطاف والاحتجاز ،وتمت…